Matthew (MJ) Jackson

Hometown: San Bernardino, California
Major: Symbolic Systems-Computational Foundations Track
Three! Things! I! Love! When I’m free I try my best to fit in a skate session, a swim session, a painting session, or on a perfect day I’d do all three.
I could talk all day about jazz, traveling, language acquisition, world religion, the current state of world affairs, comic books, international films
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with entrepreneurship, biotech, fintech, marketing, project management, computer science, sustainability finance/tech

MJ grew up in San Bernardino (home to the first McDonalds) before attending Stanford University. He was accepted into the c/o 24 but decided to defer taking a gap year to work with the California Conversation Corps. During this time MJ discovered his passion at the intersection of computer science, sustainability, and travel. MJ prides himself as being a global citizen after having his world view widened after spending 7 months in Latin America in 2022. On Campus MJ's worked as a lifeguard for the past year. He loves meeting people and making new friends so don't be afraid to say hi!


Mary Duffy


Micah Galton