Book Discussions
Each summer, our staff host a range of book discussions. The books span a variety of topics, and the literature provides a great starting point for conversations that extend well beyond the text.
Below are this year’s books for Summer 2024.
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“Some people are nice and if you talk to them properly, they can be even nicer.”
Led by Crawdads Counselor, Madeline Grabb
“Maybe happiness is this: not feeling that you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else.”
Led by Photographer, Nazli Dakad
“And endings are always the beginnings of something else.”
Led by Marmots Counselor, Lillian Mack
Women’s Breakfast
We Should all be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Now is A Good Time to Take Care of Ourselves [12min listen] an episode of the Harvard Business Review’s Women at Work
We offer the above works as optional reading and listening for Women’s Breakfast, around which to center discussions of women’s resilience, the women-identifying experience around the world, and more. If you don’t have time, it’s cool too! We each have lots to share from our own experience and can tailor the conversation to the interest of the group!