Alex Bhatt

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ

Major: History and Human Biology, Epidemiology (MS)

Three things I love to do: mediocrely play pick-up basketball at Farrillaga, go on late-night drives, and explore new places!

I could talk all day about... sports, outdoor adventuring, random trivia, thrift shopping, and cute dogs

I would love to connect with folks who work in fields related to or share an interest in... biodevices, healthcare, epidemiology, entrepreneurship, sports

More about Alex: Alex hails from the Valley of the Sun, so when you see him around camp he'll almost certainly be gushing about the weather in some way, shape, or form. This is his first year (!!!) at Camp, and he could not be more ecstatic to meet everyone! Alex loves to travel (roadtrips, crashing on his friends' couches, cross-country flights, hostel-hopping, etc.) and loves to hear about other people's favorite places and recommendations even more! He is currently "in between ideas on what to in life" as tries his best to plan the next five years (or even one year, really). All he knows is that he wants to be surrounded by hardworking people and contribute to bettering health outcomes of those living in low-resource settings. Until then, however, he is ready and excited to send any adventure and meet the incredible people at Stanford Sierra Camp! WOOO HOOO!


Madison Ambroise


Sam Boeschen