Steele Billings

Hometown: Boulder, CO

Major: Economics (and a history minor)

Three things I love to do at Stanford outside of class: playing for the club lacrosse team, going for runs and walks around campus, and having lively dining hall discussions with friends!

I could talk all day about: sports, airplanes, U.S. history, Hamilton (the musical or the person, but especially the musical), pop and hip hop music, family, and education.

I would love to connect with guests who work in fields related to: commercial aviation, education, business, consulting.

Biosketch: Steele is absolutely thrilled to be spending his first summer at Sierra Camp working with the Guppies! He is following in the footsteps of his mom, who worked as a Tennis Instructor and continuously hyped Sierra Camp up to him as a kid. He loves playing, watching, and having discussions about sports (especially about his beloved Denver Broncos and Nuggets). At Stanford, he enjoys spending time playing club lacrosse, working with friends who have special needs in Kids With Dreams club, and exploring the campus on sunny days. He also likes to jam the widest possible array of classes into his schedule each quarter, track airplanes in the sky, listen to music, and tend to his extensive snapback hat collection. He has three younger siblings who he looks up to and loves more than anything. His favorite activity in the whole world is learning new things, whether through in-depth conversations, books, or new experiences! He cannot wait to meet everybody and learn from them!


Trevor Golob


Simone Jacot-Bell