Julia Wang

Hometown: Portola Valley
Major: Electrical Engineering BS, Management Science and Engineering MS
Three! Things! I! Love! Play pickup soccer, film photography, spend hours at CoHo
I could talk all day about climate technology and policy, skiing, books!
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with machine learning (research and applications), autonomous vehicles, climate tech

After a dreamy summer working on the Ski Dock in 2019, Julia is returning to camp! She is so stoked for more daily lake jumps, climbing Tallac, and most of all scrubbing toilets and making beds! In the interim between 2019 and now, Julia studied Electrical Engineering/Computer Science and is now doing a master's degree in Management Science and Engineering. On campus, she does machine learning research in the Stanford Med School, plays on the club soccer team, and takes every English literature class she can find. She loves anything camp and related to nature and being outside, and can't wait to meet you!! If you want to hop in the lake in the morning, find her.


Jordan Finley


Katelyn Kramer