Katelyn Kramer

Hometown: Magnolia, Tx
Major: Environmental Engineering or Aero/Astro Engineering
Three! Things! I! Love! Go to any event with free food, watch concerts of Stanford bands, stargaze at the oval or main quad, wander the halls of my dorm to see who else is procrastinating work
I could talk all day about taylor swift, environmental justice, climate change, outer space, why it is so important to stop and smell all flowers, food!!!, how you should just go for it and never fear embarrassment
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with sustainability, environmental justice, earth systems, engineering, aero/astro

Kramer is a rising Sophomore from Magnolia, Texas, a small town about 50 miles from Houston. She enjoys dancing and singing proudly (but poorly) along to the music playing out loud or in her head, admiring the night sky and its abundance of stars, crafting new outfits for each day, and exploring new adventures. She also lacks a fear of embarrassment and has a massive sweet tooth! On campus, she is the High School Outreach Branch Intern for the Society of Women Engineers and is getting more involved in public service. Kramer is very passionate about climate change and environmental justice and wants to explore more ways to support clean energy. She is also very active in the First Generation and Low-Income community and would love to talk about how that identity has shaped her experience at Stanford. Although she may seem shy at first, feel free to approach her and spark up a conversation; she is extremely excited to meet new people and cannot wait for her first year at camp!!!


Julia Wang


Katherine Lai