Katie Baik

Hometown: San Jose
Major: Political Science
Three! Things! I! Love! dance in Roble Arts Gym, walk around Lake Lag with friends, and sing in the Dinklespiel Auditorium!
I could talk all day about dance, snowboarding, glee, musical theatre (particularly rent), politics, mental health, food
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with law, politics, psychology, the performing arts!

Katie was born and raised in San Jose, California, but that 30 minute drive from home made all the difference! She is extremely passionate about advocacy and government reform as well as performing, and she one day hopes to fulfill both of those passions by dancing professionally and receiving her J.D afterwards. She has been dancing ever since she was 5 and loves giving back to her studio by teaching and choreographing in several styles of dance, including contemporary, jazz, musical theater, hip hop, and more. She is also a daredevil; during the winter you can find her snowboarding down black diamond slopes in Lake Tahoe. She also will take on any board/card game (she might be a touch competitive) or the 6 seasons of Glee. Katie is sooo excited for camp and can't wait to be a Teens counselor!


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