Lilah McCormick

Hometown: Westport, CT
Major: Biology, Marine Track
Three! Things! I! Love! play rugby, any ocean activity, backpack
I could talk all day about whales, free diving, my sisters <3, chocolate, travel
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with surgery, medicine, wilderness first response, marine research (or anything ocean related)

Lilah is a Junior from Connecticut studying marine biology, and she is so stoked to be the rock climbing instructor this summer! She comes from a biiig family of 6 sisters (try to guess where she is in the lineup) and more than a few pets! Lilah loves anything ocean related - surfing, scuba diving, free diving, and swimming - and will talk all day about whales if you get her started. She plays rugby at Stanford, and likes to get off campus to backpack and explore whenever she can. She's interested in learning more about wilderness first aid, and is so excited to be in the beautiful mountains with beautiful people this summer!


Khanh Tran


Luke Shuman