Madeline Grabb

Hometown: Sagaponack, NY
Major: Communication (+ History minor)
Three! Things! I! Love! Stern weekend brunches, morning gym sessions at ACSR, and sports at Maples Pavilion
I could talk all day about any/all history (but especially women's), the intersection of sports and politics, documentaries, british satire, books, and my adorable three-legged cat, maeby
I'd love to connect with folks who have experience with communication, journalism, sports, politics, gender equality

Madeline is a sophomore from Sagaponack, New York. As a former child herself, she is super excited to be staphing Sierra Camp this summer as a Crawdads counselor. Madeline is especially passionate about people, memory, communication and how our past impacts the present (an interest which began at age six with a picture book called "If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island" and has since worked its way up to "Band of Brothers"). On campus, she writes and edits sports coverage for The Stanford Daily, knits preemie hats for hospitals and organizations, remains in awe of Green Library's vast collection of books, and is a stickler for proper roundabout usage.


Luke Shuman


Mary Duffy