Calvin Probst

Hometown: Boise, ID

Major: Earth Systems

Three things I love to do: read a book in one of the many wooded corners of campus, climb at the farrillaga wall, ride to TJ's to get some fun snacks

I could talk all day about... spending time in nature/great places, indie rock, Arrested Development, books, niche hypothetical situations, dreams

I would love to connect with folks who work in fields related to or share an interest in... Ecology/geology/anything nature related, media/music production

More about Calvin: Calvin loves to spend most of his time outside, and when he is inside, enjoys listening to music (he's not very picky, but likes guitarish stuff from the aughts the most), watching films and good TV. He grew up in Idaho, and loves to mountain bike, climb, ski, hike, raft. He's a sophomore studying Earth Systems (biosphere track), and in his spare time is involved with SOOP and KZSU. He always is up for an adventure, and loves to tell/hear a good ghost story.


Nicole Pofcher


Annie Reller