Lara Morello

Hometown: Atlantic Beach, FL

Major: Deciding between Product Design and Symbolic Systems :)

Three things I love to do: Sitting in a hammock outside FloMo & reading a book, playing ping-pong as a form of procrastination, going on evening jogs around Lake Lag

I could talk all day about... my dog Luna <3, Breaking Bad, languages & linguistics, my current YouTube rabbit hole, why Hilary Hahn's performance of Der Erlkonig is better than sliced bread

I would love to connect with folks who work in fields related to or share an interest in... Product Design, Product Management, Entrepreneurship, International Relations, Linguistics

More about Lara: Lara is a freshman from Atlantic Beach, FL, and she's very excited to be in a state where the highest point isn't merely a hill. You can probably find her on the trails munching happily on trail mix, flopping on her belly on the beach volleyball courts, or journaling under the shade of a tree. Some of her favorite activities include karate, creative writing, and acting. She loves animals and is extremely obsessed with her dog Luna (warning: she will show you at least ten photos of her if you ask to see just a single picture). One of her goals in life is to become fluent in at least one other language, so please feel free to speak Mandarin or Spanish with her, and try not to visibly cringe at her pronunciation. She loves getting to know other people, so don't be shy and say hi! :)


Grace Miller


Alyssa Murray