Ryan Finley

Hometown: San Diego

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Three things I love to do at Stanford outside of class: Wrestling, Reading, drinking so much coffee

I could talk all day about: spearfishing, freediving, sailing, books and poetry

I would love to connect with guests who work in fields related to: rockets, jet engines, cars, planes (anything with propulsion!!!)

Biosketch: Finley is so excited to come back to camp!! After spending his 2022 summer as a mergansers counselor he is now returning as a Teens counselor!!!! Back on campus he is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, hoping to work on rocket engines, jet engines, and other propulsion things in the future (things that go fast zoom zoom). Aside from the nerdy stuff Finley is a frosh RA at Cedro (C-HOUSE!) and Vice president of Stanford Jiu Jitsu. He started practicing Jiu Jitsu in his freshman year of college and it has quickly become a passion. He loves reading, writing, puzzles, and board games, and believes that no day is complete without the NYT wordle, connections, and mini crossword. Finley can’t wait to meet all of you this summer!


Saf Seck


Rachel Lit