Nicholas Mullins

Hometown: Columbus, OH

Major: Urban Studies

Three things I love to do at Stanford outside of class: 1. Bask in sunshine on pretty days and touching grass
2. Work on creative pursuits / visual design projects (sewing, graphic design stuff, DJing!)
3. Exercise (weightlifting, skating, yoga, you name it!)

I could talk all day about: Music and how to craft great playlists for any occasion, sports science and nutrition, the psychology of good visual design, planning for sustainable urban futures, Black histories and/or urban studies stuff (education, housing, and resource access, you name it!).

I would love to connect with guests who work in fields related to: Design (!), Fashion, Mechanical Engineering, Urban Planning / Government / Policy, Sociology / Academia

Biosketch: Full name Nicholas, but Nich for short! Nich can't wait to spen time with you all at camp this summer!!!! This is his first time as a counselor and he is stoked for all the new memories to be made :) He loves to scour Spotify for new music, pitch a good hammock, and generally just be outdoors in his free time, and he can't wait to share all he knows and loves with you in his role as an Ospreys counselor at Sierra Camp! On campus, he is an RA/student leader in his dorm, plans fun social events and cultural programming as a co-president of the Black Student Union, and works as a project mentor in one of Stanford's makerspaces (where he draws, sews, and makes cool things!). Feel free to approach him about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, or if you're looking to make a new friend:)) Yay summer yay Sierra Camp


Nick Hafer


Nazli Dakad